100% Security and Auditability

The AVTEL Group have been trusted security partners for some of Fortune 500’s most security conscious organisations for over the last decade.  When we designed and developed our Data Destruction Solution we adopted the same security conscious approach.

Our machine is fitted with the following features to ensure transparency and provide end users with full chain of custody when using our solution including:

  • 13 individual cameras operating with the following vantage points:
    • Around the truck to alert for interference during operation;
    • In the control and operator cabin;
    • In the process chamber for visibility during operation;
    • Even inside the machine as disks are destroyed;
  • Our machine is fitted with multiple recording facilities at 25 frames per second;
  • Biometric access control, to ensure only appropriately qualified people are operating;
  • GPS tracking to monitor the location and accountability of the end material;
  • Barcode scanning and recognition of the drives as they are processed; and
  • Many other proprietary and sensitive security measures.

No matter how many hard drives or items we destroy, each and every one is recorded and tracked through our machine. 

Every item is verified, recorded, and tracked via electronic barcode recognition and CCTV footage recording. This information is provided to our customers at completion so you have a record and confirmation your material has been securely destroyed.

Hard drives travelling through out machine

CCTV footage being recorded in the truck